Ellen and Oleg Mashkovich
Ellen (Lena) and Oleg are experienced dancers and active members of the Argentine Tango community.
They took their first class in 2000 and since then have fallen in love with this beautiful element of Argentine culture.
Along with taking frequent classes, participating in special workshops, and practicing, Ellen and Oleg have also dedicated a lot of time to learning about the history, music and social life in Buenos Aires.
After many years of visiting this city, they have become friends with local dancers and are welcomed to the best milongas in Buenos Aires.
Honored to have studied with the most prominent and respectful maestros of Tango salon and escenario Ellen and Oleg became finalists of the USA Argentine Tango Championship of 2017 in San Francisco CA.
After years of studying all aspects of the Argentine Tango culture passionately, Ellen and Oleg started hosting milongas.
Ellen’s extraordinary taste and deep feeling of the music is recognized and appreciated by traditional Tango dancers, both members of the community and guests of Chicago.