Workshops are concentrated on tools to increase your tango dance in an effective and functional way. We will work on individual and couple techniques, barridas, paseos, caminatas, ganchos and more.
FRIDAY, September 6th @Tango Design studio in Malvern PA
7:00 PM - Workshop 1
8:00 PM - Workshop 2
$50 - two workshops per person
Small group/limited capacity. Preregistration is required. Contact us to register.
Private classes are available starting Friday 2 PM
SATURDAY, September 7th @Pivot Ballroom on the Main Line
7:00 PM - Premilonga class
8:00 PM - Los Besos Milonguita and Guest"s exhibition
$25 Class + Milonga,
$20 Milonga or Class
SUNDAY, September 8th @La Luna Dance Studio
12:00 PM - Workshop 3
1:00 PM - Workshop 4
$50 - two workshops per person
@Pivot Ballroom on the Main Line 49 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore, PA
@La Luna Dance Studio 4010 New Falls Rd, Bristol, PA